The Gaps of Reality Distortion
An advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give an immense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedience, courage and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes; and this would be natural selection.
- Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
I use to think that most strategy problems arose from limited or faulty data, or poor analysis of industry and competitors. The most common strategy mistakes come from the many hidden biases embedded in the internal systems, organizational structures and the decision making process.
- Michael Porter, Harvard Business School
Creating one's own reality starts with the emotional fortitude to embrace the brutal facts of the business
An advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give an immense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedience, courage and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes; and this would be natural selection.
- Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
I use to think that most strategy problems arose from limited or faulty data, or poor analysis of industry and competitors. The most common strategy mistakes come from the many hidden biases embedded in the internal systems, organizational structures and the decision making process.
- Michael Porter, Harvard Business School
Creating one's own reality starts with the emotional fortitude to embrace the brutal facts of the business
Top 16 Common Issues/Opportunities that are Hidden
- Misaligned and confusing compensation and incentive plans that suppress intrinsic motivation
- Poor talent strategies and limiting definitions of roles that hinder employee growth and provide an inconsistent and disjointed customer experience
- Lack of competency and development for front line management resulting in supervising at the expense of teaching and mastery
- Wrong or limited reporting and performance measures that are used to defend versus learn and adapt
- Not positioning products to compete based on differentiation, relevancy, context and self-interest for target markets and employees
- Over-engineered and poorly defined processes and systems that hinder the performance of the groups that they were intended to help
- Organizational structures that increase friction, result in silos and blur lines of ownership that diminish the opportunity for continuous improvement
- Lack of discipline and follow through with too many scattered initiatives
- No empathy for customers' and employees' experiences and perspectives creating a command and control environment
- Obsession with the wrong costs of the business that limit the investment in growth
- Absence of guiding values and purpose that are deeply embedded into the fabric of the organization, bringing an abundance of rules and polices
- Confusing inconsequential with what is critical for execution creates a self-imposed ceiling on performance
- Inability to identify the interdependencies and conflicts between different initiatives, tactics and programs
- Limited understanding and focus on the model and system while pushing people harder
- Incapable of the sum being greater than the parts because of competing agendas and disparate definitions of success
- Hubris and fear that diminish the opportunity to build a learning organization